Thursday, January 13, 2011

Money Saving Mom: Ways to Reduce Spending & Simplify

Today Money Saving Mom is featuring an email from one of her readers: Ways to Reduce Spending. Take a look at this list for some smart and easy ideas to lower your monthly bills. We've done a lot of these over the past year just to make ends meet and will leave them that way even when our budget isn't so tight. I need to call our insurance company and see if we can get a discount since we have a vehicle that isn't driven every day.

Here are a few other ideas:

Sell unused video games, dvd's, and books to make some extra cash and as a bonus eliminate clutter at the same time

Resell your children's clothes each season at a clothing consignment sale or shop like these:
Superkids  (Gresham Area)

Cancel your cable bill (which can be outrageous) and use just use Netflix and/or Hulu (free online tv)

Try freezer cooking when items for the meals you eat are at their lowest price (and learn what prices to stock up at)

Trade off babysitting with a friend or family member

Wash full loads of clothing in cold water 

Turn your hot water heater down to 120 degrees to noticeably lower your utility bill and help your water heater last longer by operating at its maximum efficiency

Carpool to work if you can

Lower your car insurance by shopping around, doesn't hurt to see if someone can give you a better rate

Learn how to cut hair if the men and kids in your life will tolerate an at home cut :)

Please add to this list in the comments if you have other ideas, I'd love to hear them!

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